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  2. Getting started & Best Practices

How can I add Mailissa Team properties as Outlook columns?

This article describes how you can add the Mailissa Team properties for the assigned user and the last comment as a property to your Outlook Client

Supported clients: Outlook Client for Windows

To add the Mailissa Team properties Current Editor and Last Comment as Outlook columns execute the following steps:

  1. Switch to the tab View and click on Add column

  2. In the middle section click on New column

  3. Fill in the name ServiceDeskLastComment (this is the last user comment for the mail)

  4. Keep type and format as Text

  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for the name ServiceDeskUserName (this is the current editor for the mail)

Now you are ready to create your own filtered or styled Outlook views depending on the Mailissa Team properties.