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  2. Getting started & Best Practices

How can I create a Outlook view filtered by Mailissa Team assignee?

This article describes (as an example) how you can create an Outlook view which is filtered by the Mailissa Team assignee

Supported clients: Outlook Client for Windows

To complete this instruction the Mailissa Team properties should already be available as columns. If you did not add the already, follow this instruction

To filter an Outlook view by the active Mailissa Team assignee, execute the following steps:

  1. Chose the tab View and click on View settings

  2. Click the button Filter...

  3. Switch to the tab Advanced

  4. Add the bottom, add a filter in the following structure

    Field: ServiceDeskUserName

    Condition: is (equals)

    Value: Your name

  5. Confirm with Ok

Now your view should be filtered. Save this view under View > Change View > Save active view as new view... with a meaningful name.